SAB Miller

New operating model



SAB Miller believed that effective knowledge transfer throughout their global marketing community was critical to the success of their 'Marketing Way'. Improved knowledge transfer would allow marketers in different geographies and business units to learn from each other. It would allow them to develop better marketing practice and evolve a way of marketing that was truly global. It would help drive more creative, efficient and effective marketing for all their brands.



Transfer of knowledge between different people and different cultures is more challenging and more rewarding than it first appears. Availability of the right data, information and insight is critical but just the 'tip of the iceberg'. The real challenges are how people produce and consume information in different ways, how they see things differently, have different work styles and preferences.

While explicit knowledge management may be supported to an extent by emerging social technologies it is tacit knowledge, 'the people element', that's are critical to ensure people can search for insight, build perspective and visualise outcomes. problems and opportunities in different ways.



As part of our strategic dialogue with SAB Miller to deliver marketing excellence we used highly structured approaches and 'face to face' discussion with subject matter experts and staff to build a composite picture of knowledge flow throughout the global marketing organisation. We examined the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge sharing strategies, organisation, processes, information assets and technologies. We helped SAB Miller focus on how people perceive data, information and knowledge and how behaviours impact sharing and learning.

Using brand intellect diagnostics, self assessment tools, play books and work style analysis we simplified existing approaches and developed a series of strategic work streams focused on delivering a better operating model for knowledge sharing globally.

We completed detailed audits of existing marketing information and learning systems highlighting key strengths, weaknesses, barriers and enablers. We delivered a new operating model, several integrated strategies, new processes, performance assessment tools and organisational map focused on ensuring management and staff throughout marketing and other disciplines had access to the right knowledge at the right time.



SAB Miller now have a 'route map' and a clear direction for development of consistent knowledge sharing strategies and processes. They have an operating model for knowledge management that is efficient and effective and a platform for sharing best practices throughout the global marketing organisation that's driving capability and capacity benefits.

SAB Miller


The work done by Brand Intellect helped drive activity throughout the marketing community. Your findings had a valuable feed-in to group strategy, not just marketing. Thank you for your help in getting us to this good place.

Group Marketing Knowledge Director